Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Notes on Pop-Up Books

1. The language is Serbian.
2. One of the famous touring attractions is a market/dinning area.
3. Bosnia kids reads very simple stoies of morals of life.
4. Toys aren't very well made, they have wires sticking out, wood chips pointing out, etc.
5. There is no pre-school or kindergarten in schools.

1. A famous author is Isan Goldenburg.
2. The language spoken is Spanish.
3. Children play alot of clapping games with music.
4. The government is a constitutional republic.
5. The main ingredients in there foods are rice, pork, lamb, and potatoes.

1. The capital is Kariari.
2. Kirski Powepski is an Olympic swimmer.
3. The kids play a game called burger, which teaches them about adulthood.
4.  It has a parliamentary democracy
5. The national food is salsa.

1. It's flag is made of blue and white stripes.
2. Socrates is a very popular author.
3. One of the most famous children's stories is "The Turtle and the Hare."
4. Greece's leader is Lucas P.
5. A common meal is baked lamb with potatoes.

1. The capital city is Madrid.
2. Salvador Dali is a famous writer.
3. Most kids play video games and watch television.
4. Spain's soccer team won the world cup in 2010.
5. In Spain they have a multiple variety of beans.
Hannah G.-Portugal
1. The population is 10,760,305.
2. One of the short story is called "FlyLady Bug Fly."
3. There President is elected for a five year term.
4. The cussard is a famous desert.
5. On Christmas the kids write to Jesus not Santa.

1. The capital is Bernie.
2. The Death Experiences of Mary is a famous poem.
3. Rag dolls are common toys.
4. A common dish would be meatballs, cream sauce, and pickles.
5. Most children go to private schools.

1. The official language is Arabic.
2. The capital is Rabbit
3. The alphabet has 20 letters.
4. When they read they read from right to left.
5. They go to high school for three years.

1. Germany's flag is three different colored stripes.
2. Herman Hess is a famous author.
3. Erik Castol is a famous children's book writer.
4. A popular game is called "chocolate eating."
5. The government is a federal representative republic.

1. The native language is English.
2. Sharron Kanish is a famous author.
3. They use the same nursery rhymes we use here.
4. Sand is often the toy for the kids.
5. They eat fish, barracuda, and multiple spices.

Kristen- Japan
1. Toykio is the capital city.
2. Matsu Delacho is a famous author.
3. Japan is one of the best educated area.
4. Kids like to play with kites.
5. Sushi is one of the most traditional foods.

1. People usually speak English and Hindu.
2. "Faces in the village" is a famous poem.
3. Most stories are told about happiness and sadness.
4. A traditional food is homemade stones.
5. It is disrespectful to wear hats in the village.

1. The capital city is Rome.
2. Leonardo Devinchi is a famous person from Italy.
3. A famous Italian book is "Clap your hands."
4. Italy is a republic.
5. They eat a lot of homemade breads.

1. The capital is Kyro.
2. A famous author is Omar Tahar.
3. There Christmas lasts 40 days.
4. "Steam Train Coming" is a popular nursery rhyme.
5. The kids play a lot of board games, like Scrabble squares.

1. The official language is Spanish.
2. "The Magic Bean Tree," is a legend from Argentina.
3. Kids play with very similar things we do here.
4. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day.
5. Easter lasts for two weeks.

1. They speak French.
2. A famous author Sirino de Vercha.
3. Children usually play a lot of sports.
4. They have toy libraries.
5. There government is a republic.

1. They have a king who is in charge of the military.
2. They have three branches in there military.
3. Education is free up to age 17.
4. They have one of the highest literacy rates in the world.
5. They drive  on the left side of the road.

1. They are mostly Roman Catholic.
2. Kids play with marbles, toy car, and dolls.
3. The government is a constitutional republic.
4. Panama city and the beaches are tourist attractions.
5. They have 3-4 years in high school.

1. David Russel is a guitarist
2. Kids play with the same toys as us.
3. For entertainment kids go to public places to play sports.
4. They have very similar food as ours.
5. They end school around the age of 16, and get paid for further there education.

Josh-United Kingdom
1. The capital city is London.
2. The most common language is English.
3. The author of "Harry Potter" is from the United Kingdom.
4.  A popular sport is cricket.
5. They have a monarchy.

1. The capital is Dublin.
2. Children's entertainment is also very similar to the United States.
3. The type of government is a republic democracy.
4. Irish is the main language.
5. Most meals are veggies, meat, and fish.

1. Spanish is the official language, but they also speak 30 others.
2. La Pez is the capital city.
3. "Humpty Dumpty" is famous in Bolivia.
4. There games are based on education.
5. They have a republic.

1. The flag has three differnet colors.
2. The main language is Mali.
3. Jean Joseph is a famous author.
4. The kids like board games and swimming.
5. They eat rice for every meal.

1. Spanish is the spoken language.
2. Ozwald Alcramo is a famous author.
3.They have a federal republic.
4. April 1st is there Independence Day
5. Kids have to go to school from age 6-15.

1. Socome is the capital.
2. Children's literature is very important.
3. Toys are much like those in the United States.
4. Stew roast and varied sea food is a main dish.
5. Fish is also an important food.

Kelsey-El Salvador
1. There are 60,059,000 people.
2. The most popular form of literature is poetry.
3. They don't have any famous authors.
4. The government is a republic.
5. Children and the elderly drink coffee, while teens drink soda.

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